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Michaela nel suo negozio di Mocchie - Condove - Torino - Piemonte - Italia Michaela in her shop in Mocchie - Condove - Turin - Piedmont - Italy |
Mocchie è uno dei tanti borghi che si trovano sulla montagna di Condove.
Precedentemente avevo iniziato con la borgata di Frassinere a raccontarvi di questa bellissima montagna a cui sono particolarmente legata e che è composta di 77 borgate. Un po' alla volta spero di avere la possibilità di mostrarvele tutte.
Ad aprile sono andata a trovare Michaela che a settembre 2016 ha aperto la sua panetteria. L'apertura della sua attività ha portato sicuramente una ventata di novità sulla montagna di Condove che ha bisogno di questi esempi positivi per portare altri giovani a ripopolarla.
Sono le 09:30 circa quando arrivo al suo negozio dove trovo lei e la sua famiglia intenti ad aiutarla nella preparazione del pane.
La prima cosa che mi colpisce è l'approccio gentile e genuino con cui mi hanno accolto. Il laboratorio dove preparano il pane non è grandissimo perciò mi sono messa in un angolo cercando di carpire i segreti di questa antica arte ovvero quella di fare il pane.
Michaela mi racconta che fin da piccola ha visto preparare il pane. Ha iniziato la sua bisnonna, poi la nonna, la sua mamma e, forse era destino, che anche lei seguisse questa passione di famiglia.
Il trasporto con cui mi racconta il suo lavoro non si può definire altro che passione.
Mi racconta del grande impegno investito per poter aprire il punto vendita e di quanto è contenta di quello che ha raggiunto fin ora.
Il suo pane nasce da chicchi di grano che vengono raccolti nei suoi campi di Mocchie. Da questi chicchi ne deriva la farina con cui produce il pane. È molto orgogliosa di preparare un pane totalmente genuino con lievito madre e a km 0.
Vi sono diversi tipi di pane che si possono acquistare nel suo negozio: pane comune, pane integrale, di segale, pane con le noci e altri ancora, oltre a grissini, pizza, crostate, paste di meliga e tante altre specialità.
Ci tiene a precisare quanto è importante l'utilizzo delle proprie farine che mischiate al lievito madre permetteno una lievitazione migliore, più naturale che produce un prodotto più nutriente e digeribile.
Spero che attraverso le foto e i video che ho fatto possiate sperimentare quello che io ho vissuto visitando "Il Forno di Mocchie". Sicuramente non posso farvi sentire le fragranze e i profumi, ma spero di avervi fatto venire la curiosità di visitare Mocchie e la panetteria di Michaela.
Il negozio è aperto al pubblico il venerdì, sabato e domenica. I suoi prodotti vanno a ruba, perciò vi consiglio di contattare Michaela e di prenotarli con largo anticipo.
Per ulteriori informazioni visitate la pagina FB.
Il Forno di Mocchie - Michaela's Bakery
Last year I told you about Frassinere, one of the 77 hamlets in the municipality of Condove. Today I will write something about Mocchie, another mountain hamlet in Condove, about 30 km from Turin. This small village dates to around the 10th century. It contains a big church, a scattering of houses, a restaurant and Michaela's bakery. For all its charm, it is not a tourist destination.
Michaela has been living in Mocchie for more than 15 years. In 2016 her dream came true when she opened her bakery in this mountain village. It took her time before she could open her shop, but in the end she did it.
I visited her shop in April. I arrived around 09:30 in the morning and she and her family welcomed me in a very friendly way. Her passion started long time ago. As a child, she saw her great-grandmother, her grandmother then she watched her mother making it. Now, it's her job, or better, her passion.
She makes different types of bread (white, integral, rye bread, bread with nuts), breadsticks, pizza, cakes, biscuits and many other delicacies. Her bread is made with organic flour from her own fields. Seeds are milled to become flour. She underlines how important it is to use organic flour to make genuine and digestible bread.
Michaela is such an enthusiastic and passionate woman.
Most young Italians are leaving rural areas to go to cities or leave Italy for foreign countries. Michaela is a good example to follow for young entrepreneurs. Her bakery is one of the few businesses on the mountain, and I hope that more young people will think of creating more start ups in the area. It is welcoming to businessmen and women who want to invest in the Susa Valley with new ideas.
From the photos and videos I took, I hope you can feel the same enthusiasm I did during the time I spent there.
The aroma of bread was incredible! I took home samples of rye bread and a wonderful bread with nuts.
If you visit the area you definitely have to visit her bakery. Her shop is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but you have to order her bread if you want to purchase it because her products fly off the shelves.
Please visit her FB page for further information https://it-it.facebook.com/Il-forno-di-Mocchie-246701782378251/
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Diversi tipi di pane dalla panetteria di Michaela Different types of bread from Michaela's bakery |
Il Forno di Mocchie - Michaela's Bakery
Last year I told you about Frassinere, one of the 77 hamlets in the municipality of Condove. Today I will write something about Mocchie, another mountain hamlet in Condove, about 30 km from Turin. This small village dates to around the 10th century. It contains a big church, a scattering of houses, a restaurant and Michaela's bakery. For all its charm, it is not a tourist destination.
Michaela has been living in Mocchie for more than 15 years. In 2016 her dream came true when she opened her bakery in this mountain village. It took her time before she could open her shop, but in the end she did it.
I visited her shop in April. I arrived around 09:30 in the morning and she and her family welcomed me in a very friendly way. Her passion started long time ago. As a child, she saw her great-grandmother, her grandmother then she watched her mother making it. Now, it's her job, or better, her passion.
She makes different types of bread (white, integral, rye bread, bread with nuts), breadsticks, pizza, cakes, biscuits and many other delicacies. Her bread is made with organic flour from her own fields. Seeds are milled to become flour. She underlines how important it is to use organic flour to make genuine and digestible bread.
Michaela is such an enthusiastic and passionate woman.
Most young Italians are leaving rural areas to go to cities or leave Italy for foreign countries. Michaela is a good example to follow for young entrepreneurs. Her bakery is one of the few businesses on the mountain, and I hope that more young people will think of creating more start ups in the area. It is welcoming to businessmen and women who want to invest in the Susa Valley with new ideas.
From the photos and videos I took, I hope you can feel the same enthusiasm I did during the time I spent there.
The aroma of bread was incredible! I took home samples of rye bread and a wonderful bread with nuts.
If you visit the area you definitely have to visit her bakery. Her shop is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but you have to order her bread if you want to purchase it because her products fly off the shelves.
Please visit her FB page for further information https://it-it.facebook.com/Il-forno-di-Mocchie-246701782378251/
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Michaela sta controllando la cottura del pane Michaela is checking her bread in the wood burning oven |